Thursday, August 25, 2011

After D&D; Aug. 25, '11

Soooooo...  Ummm...  Heyyyyy...  Is this thing on?  <---How many people start their blogs that way? 

For about a week I've been telling myself that I should get my own blog started.  Maybe like two.  I've been neglecting that fact because I find journaling much less mainstream, and a lot more novel.  Or romantic...  You know, like, seeing your own handwriting on paper.  And feeling intellectual when you can physically turn a page that you handwrote.  I tried for a little over half of a year, and it's time to go lazier.  Hi, blogspot.

I named my blog "Once upon a timey-wimey..." to use the Doctor Who reference as a foundation.  Which speaks a lot for me and what I want the title to say.  The Doctor has much to say.  Secondarily, though, is the fact that "timey-wimey" kind of makes it sound teeny-weeny and insignificant, as if there's an infinite amount of its own kind out there.  And the content that will be written in this blog is so small, is such a small speck on the eternity that is time and the immensity that is the internet, that I'm not even going to pretend to be a better option than anything else.  So if you're here, awesome.  Stay as long as you like.