Monday, July 23, 2012

My Bucket List

[xxx] Laugh and cry at the same time
[x] Have a cool experience involving a star
[] Sing my heart out and have someone actually hear me
[] Get over my fear of singing in front of people
[x] Improve the end of someone's life
[x] Hug a homeless person
[x] Ride in an airplane
[x] SCUBA dive
[x] Have a best friend proclaim me their best friend
[] Get married.  And stay that way.  With that one person, forever.
[] Play some seriously awesome lasertag
[] Swim with dolphins
[x] Swim with a manatee
[] Write a song.  A good one.
[>] Talk my way out of a ticket
[] Say what I should have said to my friends before they died...
[xxxxxxxxx] Be mooned
[] Moon someone/some people
[x] Do a random act of kindness
[x] Survive a car accident
[x] Play and sing an entire song on the piano